Guess-the-Move Mode¶
Opening Training Using Guess-the-Move Mode¶
Using the guess-the-move mode for opening training can be very effective. Here’s how to set it up:
Prepare a PGN with the moves of the opening by going through your planned moves. Add all the expected moves of the opponent, and add further moves in response to the opponent’s moves. Only add one move as a reply to each move of the opponent.
Go to the guess-the-move preferences and make sure the third option (Main line and all variations) is selected.
Ensure “Allow Variation as the Correct Move” is not checked.
To start guess-the-move mode, select the mode from the menu.
Make sure the color you want to play is on the bottom; flip the board if necessary.
Tips for Efficient Training:
In preferences, under Gestures, map the action “Switch to next line” to a button (e.g., volume down). Use this button if you go through the opening several times and the current variation is already memorized, to quickly go to the next variation.
This setup ensures that you’ll be able to train on the main line and all possible variations, providing a comprehensive practice session for the opening. It also guarantees that only your prepared moves are considered correct, helping you stay focused on your opening repertoire.
Tips and Tricks¶
Using the buttons on the button bar, you can navigate through the game using the left and right buttons. Even if you cannot guess the move correctly, you can still move on, go to another position, and try again.
Guess the Move mode is also perfect for solving chess puzzles.
Keep in mind that you can deactivate the material imbalance display to disable the helpful information you won’t have over the board against a real opponent.